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How to write Profiles
05-16-2014, 04:10 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014 05:48 AM by Titanium.)
Post: #1
How to write Profiles
Instructions (explanation and examples)
How to extract Actor IDs
Example Profiles
Waypoint numbers (Adventure mode)
How to reset quests
Waypoint Numbers (Campaign mode)
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05-16-2014, 04:10 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014 04:58 AM by Titanium.)
Post: #2
RE: How to write Profiles
You can open the Profile Editor by clicking "Profile Editor" at the bottom right of the bot.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=335]


MoveTo: Move the character to a specific point. To record that point you need to move your character manually, then click "MoveTo", it'll generate the instruction to move to that point.
<MoveTo x="59.16222" y="103.4011" z="-0.2490396"/>
[Image: attachment.php?aid=338]

UseWaypoint: Use the waypoint platform to go to a specific map. You'll need a waypoint number for the place that you want your character to go to.
<UseWaypoint waypointNumber="5"/>
In this example, the waypoint number is 5 which is Rakkis Crossings in campaign mode act 3.
Please refer to this post for the detail waypoint number of every map.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=342]

UseObject: This is usually used to use the portal to go to another place, e.g. from Keep depths level 1 to level 2.
<UseObject isPortal="true"/>
[Image: attachment.php?aid=340]

WaitTimer: Wait for some time. The waiting period can be controlled and is in milliseconds, e.g. use 1000 to represent 1 seconds and use 5000 to represent 5 seconds.
<WaitTimer waitTime="1000"/>

UseTownPortal: Return to town.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=341]

LeaveGame: Leave game. Usually you need this at the end of every profile.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=337]

Comment: This is only for human to write some notes, the bot will just ignore these notes.
<!-- You can write whatever here, it'll not break the profile -->

ExploreArea: Some maps are dynamic, e.g. Keep depths 2, every time your character goes inside in a new game, it'll be different from before. So there is no way to use MoveTo to record the coordinates to move to (as it'll change every time). You must use this ExploreArea tag, it'll explore the full map until a certain condition matched.
<ExploreArea boxSize="60" boxTolerance="0.01"/>
[Image: attachment.php?aid=336]
boxSize: The bot will divide the whole map into boxes, each of size 60 in this example, then the bot will make sure that it goes to every box.
boxTolerance: The bot will ignore the boxes of which the walkable percent is less than 1% in this example (1% = 0.01).
until: (This is optional, if you don't specify "until" then it'll explore the full map) This is the condition to stop exploring. See below for its uses.

How to make exploration stopped when a certain condition is matched?

1. Exit found
<ExploreArea boxSize="60" boxTolerance="0.08" until="ExitFound" exitNameHash="2102427919"/>
exitNameHash corresponds to the exit (a portal).
How do we obtain exitNameHash?
You can click the "Markers" button when your character is near the exit. For example, it'll show up
hash= -1234568, pos= {1, 2, 4}, distance = 987.6
hash= 7878788, pos= {7,9,3}, distance = 3
hash= 8423743, pos= {8,5,2}, distance = 343.3

distance is the distance from the exit to the player. You would probably choose the one with least distance. In this example, you'll choose
hash= 7878788, pos= {7,9,3}, distance = 3
and 7878788 is the exitNameHash you would like to use.

How to make it stop exploration when an actor or object is found?
<ExploreArea boxSize="60" boxTolerance="0.08" until="ObjectFound" actorId="176001"/>
This actorId is the ID of the actor or object that needs to be found. You can click ID Extractor > Extract Actor IDs to extract it.

ResumeUseTownPortal: Please see the picture. It's using the portal in town which was created by using town portal. In some maps, e.g. Crypt of the Ancients, you can take your character there, then go back to town and leave game. In this way every time you resume game, there is a portal in town which will take your character to Crypt of the Ancients. Your character can then farm and leave game, and resume game and repeat.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=339]

TalkTo: Talk with an NPC. Please use ID Extractor > Extract Actor IDs to extract the ID of the NPC you want your character to talk to.
<TalkTo actorId="12345"/>

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05-16-2014, 04:10 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014 05:00 AM by Titanium.)
Post: #3
RE: How to write Profiles
How to Extract Actor IDs:

Move your character near the target actor. Then click "ID Extractor">"Extract Actor IDs" in the bot:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=343]

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05-16-2014, 04:10 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014 05:07 AM by Titanium.)
Post: #4
RE: How to write Profiles
Simples Examples (attached)

Attached File(s)
.xml  A1-6-2, COTA (Portal in town required).xml (Size: 978 bytes / Downloads: 599)
.xml  A3-7-3, KD2, RC, FOS.xml (Size: 5.83 KB / Downloads: 629)
.xml  A3-7-3, The Core of Arreat.xml (Size: 1.54 KB / Downloads: 599)
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05-16-2014, 04:10 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014 05:02 AM by Titanium.)
Post: #5
RE: How to write Profiles
Waypoint number (Adventure Mode)
Act 1 (Adventure mode)
Fields of Misery 8
Northern Highlands 14
The Royal Crypts 5
The Old Ruins 1
New Tristram 0
Halls of Agony Level 1 15
Cathedral Level 2 3
Southern Highlands 13
Drowned Temple 9
The Weeping Hollow 6
Cathedral Level 4 4
Halls of Agony Level 3 17
Halls of Agony Level 2 16
The Festering Woods 10
Wortham Chapel Cellar 11
Cathedral Level 1 2
Caverns of Araneae 12
Cemetery of the Forsaken 7

Act 2 (Adventure mode)
Desolate Sands 24
Howling Plateau 19
Stinging Winds 21
City of Caldeum 20
Hidden Camp 18
Dahlgur Oasis 23
Road to Alcarnus 22
Archives of Zoltun Kulle 25

Act 3 (Adventure mode)
Tower of the Cursed Level 1 37
Arreat Crater Level 2 36
Tower of the Damned Level 1 35
The Battlefields 31
Bastion's Keep Stronghold 26
Arreat Crater Level 1 34
Stonefort 27
The Bridge of Korsikk 32
Rakkis Crossing 33
The Keep Depths Level 1 28
The Keep Depths Level 2 29
The Keep Depths Level 3 30
The Core of Arreat 38

Act 4 (Adventure mode)
Hell Rift Level 1 43
Gardens of Hope 1st Tier 41
Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier 42
The Silver Spire Level 2 45
The Diamond Gates 40
Bastion's Keep Stronghold 39
The Silver Spire Level 1 44

Act 5 (Adventure mode)
Ruins of Corvus 52
Battlefields of Eternity 55
Passage to Corvus 51
Westmarch Heights 49
Westmarch Commons 47
Pandemonium Fortress Level 1 53
Paths of the Drowned 50
The Survivors' Enclave 46
Pandemonium Fortress Level 2 54
Briarthorn Cemetery 48
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05-16-2014, 04:10 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014 05:15 AM by Titanium.)
Post: #6
RE: How to write Profiles
How to reset quests?

If you want your character to do quests repeatedly, e.g. Killing 3-3-3 Ghom repeatedly, then you'll want to know how to reset quests.
3-3-3 means Act 3, 3th quest, 3rd step, that's the step to kill Ghom. After your character killed it, it'll become 3-4-1, that means your character cannot kill Ghom unless the quests are reset to 3-3-3.

How to reset quests?
It's indeed simple. In the character selection screen in game, click "Game settings" and select the specific quests you want like to reset to, in our example, 3-3-3.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=347]

Then click "Save & close", "Start/Resume game" to enter the game. When the character is in town, click "Quest IDs" in ID Extractor". Then you'll obtain a Quest ID and a Step ID.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=348]

All you have to do is to insert a "GameParams" line as shown below, note that the game difficulty settings when resetting quests will be in Setttings > General (First page) >Difficulty
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<GameParams quest="93697" step="1" act="A1" changeQuest="true"/>



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05-16-2014, 05:02 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014 05:46 AM by Titanium.)
Post: #7
RE: How to write Profiles
Waypoint Numbers (Campaign mode)

Act 1 (Campaign mode)
Drowned Temple 8
Halls of Agony Level 2 14
The Old Ruins 1
New Tristram 0
Cathedral Level 3 3
Leoric's Manor 13
The Festering Woods 9
Cemetery of the Forsaken 6
The Royal Crypts 4
Wortham Chapel Cellar 10
Highlands Crossing 11
Cathedral Garden 2
Northern Highlands 12
Fields of Misery 7

Act 2 (Campaign mode)
Desolate Sands 8
Path to the Oasis 5
Sewers of Caldeum 1
Hidden Camp 0
Khasim Outpost 3
Archives of Zoltun Kulle 9
Dahlgur Oasis 6
Road to Alcarnus 4
Black Canyon Mines 2

Act 3 (Campaign mode)
Arreat Crater Level 2 8
Rakkis Crossing 5
Stonefort 1
Bastion's Keep Stronghold 0
The Keep Depths Level 3 3
Tower of the Cursed Level 1 9
Arreat Crater Level 1 6
The Bridge of Korsikk 4
The Core of Arreat 10
The Keep Depths Level 1 2
Tower of the Damned Level 1 7

Act 4 (Campaign mode)
The Crystal Colonnade 5
The Diamond Gates 1
Bastion's Keep Stronghold 0
Gardens of Hope 1st Tier 3
The Great Span 6
Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier 4
The Vestibule of Light 2
The Pinnacle of Heaven 7

Act 5 (Campaign mode)
Abandoned Siege Camp 8
Paths of the Drowned 5
Westmarch Commons 1
The Survivors' Enclave 0
Westmarch Heights 3
The Siege Outpost 9
Passage to Corvus 6
Blood Marsh 4
Pandemonium Fortress Level 1 10
Pandemonium Fortress Level 2 11
Briarthorn Cemetery 2
Ruins of Corvus 7
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05-16-2014, 05:02 AM
Post: #8
RE: How to write Profiles
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05-16-2014, 05:02 AM
Post: #9
RE: How to write Profiles
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05-16-2014, 05:02 AM
Post: #10
RE: How to write Profiles
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