2015-10-14 20:54:45 Start at 10/14/2015 8:54:45 PM - gdXXXXXXX@XXXXXXXXX US 2015-10-14 20:54:45 Bot Version 0.9.459 2015-10-14 20:54:45 Profile - Nephalem Rifts (Farm After Kill Boss).xml 2015-10-14 20:54:45 Start botting 2015-10-14 20:54:45 Executing 命令 2015-10-14 20:54:46 Executing GoGetKeystones, -1 2015-10-14 20:54:46 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 172909 2015-10-14 20:54:46 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 161472 2015-10-14 20:54:46 IfCondition = True 2015-10-14 20:54:46 Executing MoveTo, 349.6528, 268.9543 2015-10-14 20:54:46 Executing MoveTo, 349.6528, 268.9543 2015-10-14 20:54:47 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 332336 2015-10-14 20:54:47 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 304235 2015-10-14 20:54:47 Executing If, not ActorExistsAt(364715, Me.Position.X, Me.Position.Y, Me.Position.Z, 120) 2015-10-14 20:54:47 Executing If, not ActorExistsAt(364715, Me.Position.X, Me.Position.Y, Me.Position.Z, 80) 2015-10-14 20:54:47 Executing Params, WillSpeed, false 2015-10-14 20:54:47 Executing UseRiftsTower, 364715 2015-10-14 20:54:54 Executing Params, WillSpeed, true 2015-10-14 20:54:54 Executing 等待, 3000, False 2015-10-14 20:54:57 Executing 传送门, 345935 2015-10-14 20:54:57 Use Portal 345935 2015-10-14 20:55:03 Executing 等待, 1000, False 2015-10-14 20:55:04 Executing If, Me.IsInTown 2015-10-14 20:55:04 Executing 等待, 1000, False 2015-10-14 20:55:05 Executing If, not Me.IsInTown 2015-10-14 20:55:05 IfCondition = True 2015-10-14 20:55:05 Executing While, not Me.IsInTown and GetValue.GoBack != 1 2015-10-14 20:55:05 IfCondition = True 2015-10-14 20:55:05 Executing If, GetValue.UsedPortal == 1 and not LastUsePortalResult 2015-10-14 20:55:05 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 10) 2015-10-14 20:55:05 Executing 探索全区域, 60, 0.03 2015-10-14 20:55:05 Explore starting Pos = X: 1728.906, Y: 1146.301, Z: 25.30699 2015-10-14 20:55:05 Start Clear [Box(28, 19)] 2015-10-14 20:55:05 Walk to center point = X: 1707.5, Y: 1170, Z: 0 2015-10-14 20:55:06 pos after walk to center point = X: 1707.5, Y: 1170, Z: 13.43123 2015-10-14 20:55:06 [Box(28, 19)] looks like exit 2015-10-14 20:55:06 [Box(28, 19)] direction =  2015-10-14 20:55:06 Start Clear [Box(27, 19)] 2015-10-14 20:55:06 Walk to center point = X: 1652.5, Y: 1182.5, Z: 0 2015-10-14 20:55:06 pos after walk to center point = X: 1652.5, Y: 1182.5, Z: 0.2993097 2015-10-14 20:55:06 [Box(27, 19)] looks like exit 2015-10-14 20:55:06 [Box(27, 19)] direction =  2015-10-14 20:55:06 Start Clear [Box(26, 19)] 2015-10-14 20:55:06 Walk to center point = X: 1607.5, Y: 1195, Z: 0 2015-10-14 20:55:07 pos after walk to center point = X: 1614, Y: 1195, Z: 0 2015-10-14 20:55:07 [Box(26, 19)] looks like exit 2015-10-14 20:55:07 [Box(26, 19)] direction =  2015-10-14 20:55:07 Start Clear [Box(26, 20)] 2015-10-14 20:55:07 Walk to center point = X: 1592.5, Y: 1227.5, Z: 0 2015-10-14 20:55:09 cannot move to monster position - Succubus_B-761 152679 2015-10-14 20:55:09 cannot move to monster position - Succubus_B-761 152679 2015-10-14 20:55:10 cannot move to monster position - GoatMutant_Ranged_A-792 4299 2015-10-14 20:55:11 cannot move to monster position - GoatMutant_Ranged_A-792 4299 2015-10-14 20:55:16 cannot move to monster position - GoatMutant_Ranged_A-811 4299 2015-10-14 20:55:25 cannot move to monster position - GoatMutant_Ranged_A-811 4299 2015-10-14 20:55:30 cannot move to monster position - GoatMutant_Ranged_A-811 4299 2015-10-14 20:55:33 Exception System.OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for an Int32. at System.Convert.ToInt32(Double value) at ..( start,  Destination,  resetScenes, Boolean& ) at ..( destination,  nearDistance, Int32 attackMode, Boolean attackRange, Int32 attackRangeCaster, Int32 attackRangeElite, Int32 bath, Boolean loot, Boolean nearest, Boolean executeCheck,  breakDistance, Int32 openItems, Boolean maxStuck, Int32 maxTryTimes, Int32 willCheckStuck, Boolean minDistance, Int32 openDoorsOnly, Boolean ) at ..( player,  actor,  powerUsage,  willCheckStuck, Boolean possibleUseInjection, Boolean bath, Boolean ) at ..( range, Int32 attackRangeCaster, Int32 attackRangeElite, Int32 executeCheck,  breakDistance, Int32 forceExtendRange, Boolean maxTryTimes, Int32 elitesOnly, Boolean willCheckStuck, Boolean possibleLoot, Boolean keywardensOnly, Boolean openItems, Boolean bath, Boolean minMobsCheck, Boolean ) at ..( destination,  nearDistance, Int32 attackMode, Boolean toExactPos, Boolean attackRange, Int32 attackRangeCaster, Int32 attackRangeElite, Int32 bath, Boolean loot, Boolean disableCenterClick, Boolean executeCheck,  breakDistance, Int32 openItems, Boolean maxTryTimes, Int32 openDoorsOnly, Boolean ) at ..( destination,  nearDistance, Int32 attackMode, Boolean attackRange, Int32 attackRangeCaster, Int32 attackRangeElite, Int32 bath, Boolean loot, Boolean nearest, Boolean executeCheck,  breakDistance, Int32 openItems, Boolean maxStuck, Int32 maxTryTimes, Int32 willCheckStuck, Boolean minDistance, Int32 openDoorsOnly, Boolean ) at ..( destination,  nearDistance, Int32 attackMode, Boolean attackRange, Int32 attackRangeCaster, Int32 attackRangeElite, Int32 bath, Boolean loot, Boolean nearest, Boolean executeCheck,  breakDistance, Int32 openItems, Boolean maxStuck, Int32 maxTryTimes, Int32 willCheckStuck, Boolean minDistance, Int32 openDoorsOnly, Boolean ) at ..( destination,  nearDistance, Int32 attackMode, Boolean attackRange, Int32 attackRangeCaster, Int32 attackRangeElite, Int32 bath, Boolean loot, Boolean nearest, Boolean executeCheck,  breakDistance, Int32 openItems, Boolean maxStuck, Int32 maxTryTimes, Int32 willCheckStuck, Boolean minDistance, Int32 openDoorsOnly, Boolean ) at ..( destination,  nearDistance, Int32 attackMode, Boolean attackRange, Int32 attackRangeCaster, Int32 attackRangeElite, Int32 bath, Boolean loot, Boolean nearest, Boolean executeCheck,  breakDistance, Int32 openItems, Boolean maxStuck, Int32 maxTryTimes, Int32 willCheckStuck, Boolean minDistance, Int32 openDoorsOnly, Boolean ) at ..( destination,  nearDistance, Int32 attackMode, Boolean attackRange, Int32 attackRangeCaster, Int32 attackRangeElite, Int32 bath, Boolean loot, Boolean nearest, Boolean executeCheck,  breakDistance, Int32 openItems, Boolean maxStuck, Int32 maxTryTimes, Int32 willCheckStuck, Boolean minDistance, Int32 openDoorsOnly, Boolean ) at ..( sceneBox,  fromSceneBox,  stopExploreDelegate, Int32 score) at ..( sceneBox,  fromSceneBox,  stopExploreDelegate, Int32 score) at ..( sceneBox,  fromSceneBox,  stopExploreDelegate, Int32 score) at ..( sceneBox,  fromSceneBox,  stopExploreDelegate, Int32 score) at ..( boxSize, Single minWalkablePercent, Single stopExploreDelegate,  exitIfTooFar, Boolean checkLooksLikeExit, Boolean priorityScenes, List`1 ignoreScenes, List`1 changeStartingPos, Boolean ) at ..( attr, Dictionary`2 xmlNode, XmlNode ) at ..(XmlNode node, Boolean& parseChildren, Boolean& parseAgain, Boolean& breakOrder) at ..( node, XmlNode whileTimes, Int32 ) at ..( node, XmlNode whileTimes, Int32 ) at ..( node, XmlNode whileTimes, Int32 ) at ..( node, XmlNode whileTimes, Int32 ) at ..( rootDocument, XmlDocument ) at ..(Int32 maxTryTimes) 2015-10-14 20:55:33 Leave Game 2015-10-14 20:55:51 Waiting for 2s before after leaving game 2015-10-14 20:55:55 exception in exception when trying to leave game, exception: .: suspended while reading memory at ..( offset, UInt32 size, Int32 ) at ..( offset, UInt32 ) at ..( ) at ..( ) at ..( hash, UInt64 throwEx, Boolean ) at ..( ) at ..( ) at ..(Int32 maxTryTimes) at ..(Int32 maxTryTimes)